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唯美的英文爱情经典微信签名 can't

发布时间:2023-06-19 03:02:58源自:http://www.zksst.com作者:QQ个性签名网阅读(310)

1、Some say love it is a hunger and endless aching need. 【vs】 有人说,爱是种饥渴 一种无尽的带痛的需求。

2、Maybe you really did a lot for him but he didn't move. 也许你真的为他做了很多但他却并没有感动过。

3、those you love most hurt you most 你越爱的东西伤你越深

4、Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

5、Finally Had The Open Your Heart Of Keys, This Just Find You'Ve Lost Heart. 终于有了那把打开你心的钥匙,这才发现你已经丢了心 。

6、I didn't cry because it is over, but suddenly learned to miss it. 【vs】 我没有哭泣,只是突然学会了思念而已。

7、I have been,never left. [我一直在,从未离开。]

8、Life without love is like a tree without blossom of fruit. 缺少爱的生命,就像未开花结果的枯树。

9、Love soaked in paper, deduce sadness. 爱情浸过纸,演绎忧伤。

10、If I had to forget your eyes before it was dark. 如果天黑之前来得及 我要忘了你的眼睛。

11、Pardon me because I can not love you again. 原谅我不能再爱你了 -

12、I just want to be free in my world. 我只想在我的世界里,自由自在。

13、The future does not call.(那不叫未来)

14、Laugh and you don't like red dust,a poor man loves one in his life.一笑而过不喜红尘,穷极一生钟情一人

15、Pain is a part of growth. ——疼

16、Say not all that you know, believe not all that you hear. 你所知道的不要全说,你所听到的不要全信。

17、You are warm and back lighting. 你是温暖逆光而来。


18、I can't stop the wind, I can't hold the whole sky. 我拦不住要走的风,也抱不住整片天空。

19、Old people dream on emotions . 旧人旧梦旧情绪。

20、Happy, stop, rain, you turn and later in fall. 快乐,停止了,雨滴,在你转身以后 落下。

21、Is not there is not. I love the person but not in.是非地里有是非人,物是人非里最喜欢的人却不在。

22、Some memories, are doomed to be unable to cancel. 有些记忆,注定无法抹去。

23、Is there a way never, never, ever change. 有没有那样一种永远,永远永远不改变。

24、Precious things are very few in this world. That is the reason there is just one you.可贵的

25、If you want a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. 如果你想过得快乐,把生活跟目标联系在一起,而不是跟某个人或某些事。

26、Do the right thing than to do the right thing. 做对的事情比把事情做对重要。

27、It's been a long day without you my frieng

28、We've stuck together for a long time but finally we’ve been defeated by eternity. 我们坚持了好久,但最终还是输给了天长地久。

29、I was more than I love 一句我在胜过我爱

30、My irrepressible fear to be afraid to go timid. 我抑制不住的去惶恐去害怕去胆怯。


31、Your heart, is I go to the end also want to come back

32、I have galaxies hidden between my bones and I will love you until the stars burn out. 我的心藏着一整个星系,我会爱你,直到里面的星星都燃烧殆尽。

33、Make me so nervous,that I just can't hold your hand.我紧张的颤抖,而无法握住你的手

34、Just don't give up, we will never abandon. 只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃。

35、We just don't happen, just time. 我们刚好,只是时间不凑巧。

36、Do you have a girlfriend, I love is not old

37、Save you heart for someone who cares

38、The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. 世界是一本书,不旅行的人只看到其中的一页。

39、I want someone to understand me even I don't say a word. 我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。

40、I don’t want to be the third wheel. 我不想当电灯泡。

41、You are the distance I can't reach. I'm a stranger you don't notice. 你是我抵达不到的远方,我是你不曾注意的陌路。

42、The youth, the scenery along the way again also is just a paper elegance.青春,沿途再美的风景也只不过是一纸风华。

43、You never know how strong you really are until being strong is the only choice you have

44、One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love was always worth waiting for. 当某天某个人走进你生命时,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

45、Never let anyone fall for you when you know there’s some else in your heart. 如果你心里面已经有了人,就千万不要让别人爱上你!

46、We are not the beginning of the pursuit of others, but every unknown tomorrow. 我们追逐的绝不是别人的起点,而是每一个未知的明天。

47、Distance makes the hearts grow fonder. 距离使两颗心靠得更近。

48、Rather be a dumb don't say too much nonsense. 宁愿做个哑巴不说过多的废话。

49、We share so much together

50、lonely kids hides in heart (每一个人心里都藏有一个孤独的孩子)

51、Is I brave is too long, decided that lives for you. 是我勇敢太久,决定为你一个人而活。

52、Can not be the same as before, to send the mail yesterday to today. 能不能像以前一样,邮寄昨天交给今天。

53、You are my unexpected courage, and also the entanglement I have to give up. 你是我意外的勇敢,也是我不得不放弃的纠缠。

54、Time does not dye,Memories do not light. 时光不染,回忆不淡。

55、The same love that makes me laugh makes cry. 同一份爱,让我笑,也让我哭。

56、Who Loved the pain is to forgive, black is the darkest despair. 最疼的疼是原谅,最黑的黑是绝望。

57、Happiness is good health and a bad memory. 幸福是良好的健康加上糟糕的记性

58、You are only young once.青春只有一次。

59、Shall I comper thee to a summer's day 我能否将你比做夏日

60、EXO,You Are My Lucky Love!

61、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

62、Take it as a memory, we who do not owe. 就把它当做回忆,我们谁也不欠谁。

63、People have to really suffer before they can risk doing what they love. 能顶着风险做自己热爱之事的人,都经历过很多磨难。

64、Shallow men believe in luck or circumstance; strong men believe in cause and effect. 浅薄的人相信运气或境遇,坚强的人相信起因和结果。

65、The first glance Heartbeat. 第一眼就心动。

66、Stay positive tomorrow will be amazing. 保持积极心态,明天会变得很神奇。

67、Something last for a long time will become a habit. 一件事持续久了就会成为习惯

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