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女生微信签名子励志的英文美句 Can't

发布时间:2023-08-30 11:07:28源自:http://www.zksst.com作者:QQ个性签名网阅读(192)

1、The same love that makes me laugh makes cry.同一份爱,让我笑,也让我哭。

2、I love you, you can't see these years. 我爱你,在你看不到的这些年。

3、If only as shown signs of life, Why should I so attached to. 人生若只如初见,我又何苦如此依恋。

4、Touch the air once again miss you breath

5、I will be strong enough to make you feel bad . 我会坚强到让你们心疼

6、Memories can make you smile, but it can very well make you cry hard. 回忆,有时令你嘴角上扬,有时也能让你潸然泪下。

7、Don't be afraid, just like my this heart, forever is your home. 别怕,就像我的这颗心,永远都是你的家。

8、Softhearted and embarrassed, really will kill myself. 心软和不好意思,真的会杀死自己。

9、Love is a gamble, the gambler who put the future years as a bargaining chip, betting on the distance of happiness in the distance. 爱情是一场赌博,赌徒们把未来的岁月作为筹码,下注于远方幸福的时光。

10、I just want to hold you sleep every night. 我只希望每天都可以拥你入怀。

11、In the end, I have not found half drops of tears, commemorates our love. 到最后,我竟找不出半滴眼泪,来纪念我们的爱。

12、Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。

13、Those that have gone won't come back againThose coming back are nolonger perfect. 已往的不再返来,返来的不再完美。

14、One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

15、Vows of eternal love,Also can separate. 海枯石烂,亦会分开

16、When you have no one to love you, love yourself on your own.(没有人心疼的时候,就自己心疼

17、Loves the plot is only to monopolize your eye pupil. 爱的阴谋只是为独占住你的眼眸。

18、Why want to miss time than long together. 【vs】 何必要让用来怀恋的时间比在一起还长。

19、I never told you, I wanna hold you。我从未告诉你,我想拥抱你

20、If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. 如果我们相信明天会更好,今天就能承受艰辛。


21、He walked into my world,take my heart away. 他走进我的世界,把我的心带走了。


23、Lonely, only has oneself, can realize that is unable the pain which speaks. 寂寞,唯有自己,才能体会那无法言说的痛楚。

24、Find a place of their own, in tears know how to forget the wound. 找一个属于自己的地方,在眼泪中懂得遗忘的伤。

25、Some people may look strong , but just looks strong just . 有些人看是很坚强,但只是看似很坚强而已。

26、You have the time,and I have memories. 你拥有时光,我拥有回忆。

27、I love you more today than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow. 今天我爱你,比昨天多,但不如明天。

28、I need someone who won’t give up on me. 我只是需要一个不会放弃我的人。

29、I must try and face problems properly – I am not scared of it. (我必须尝试着勇于面对困难—我并不害怕。)

30、Everybody live for themselves, we may be the no complaints. 每个人都为自己而活,我们也许该毫无怨言。

31、Even if the present, the match does not stop changes the page. 即使现在,对手也不停地翻动书页。

32、Time always save the best for last.时间总是把最好的人留到最后。

33、Your love is a dream, but a real pain. 你的爱是个梦,却有真实的痛。

34、Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. 从内心发出的光,没什么能使它黯淡。

35、The gone has gone. 愿你过得比我好

36、New love is brightest, and long love is greatest; but revived love is the tenderest thing known upon earth. 【vs】 新生的爱情殉丽多彩,长久的爱情崇高伟大;但复苏的爱情则是世界上最温柔的事情。

37、爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯(Love is a light that never dims)

38、I'm not a diamond I won't shine [我不是钻石我不会发光]

39、Can't be with my long why you pretended to love me (不能伴我长久你何必假装深爱我-)

40、If love is misunderstanding, who let I can return to perfect. 如果爱是场误会,谁让我能回到完美。

41、Later, I understand the most precious feelings never need to hold in the palm of the hand. 后来我明白最珍贵的感情从来不用捧在手心。


42、Without you I can also live well every day. 没你我也可以过好每一天。

43、Don't wait for life to remember the old, pick flowers. 不要等到人生垂暮,才想起俯拾朝花。

44、The spring breeze is not as good as your dream in ten miles. 春风十里不如你,梦里梦外都是你。

45、Such as flocculent snow, high-stepping but not into Russia heart

46、May your next love be an opponent, an equal, lasting and inseparable one. 愿你下一场恋爱,是棋逢对手,是势均力敌,是长久永固,是白首不相离。

47、I can forget everything, but I can't forget your appearance. 我可以忘记一切,却忘不了你的出现。

48、Dream is what makes you happy, even when you are just trying。

49、Let go hand in a noisy streets, find the pupil picture. 放开手在喧闹的大街,找不到瞳孔中的画面。

50、This summer, mosquitoes are most hurts me. 这个夏天蚊子最疼我

51、愿夏日的遗憾与秋日平分。May summer regret be divided equally with autumn

52、Bankruptcy is one of the greatest despair, the greatest asset is hope

53、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right

54、I have everything what I want except you. 除了你,我什么都不缺。

55、am strong,therefore I am.我坚强,故我在。

56、Memory is a bridge , is leading to the lonely prison. 回忆是一段桥,却是通往寂寞的牢。

57、Lost it and let it go, stay beside you is worth treasuring. 失去的就让它随风去吧,留在身边的才值得珍惜。

58、I was the love, only interprets the supporting role of tragedy of that person. 我是这场爱情的配角,唯一诠释了悲剧的那个人。

59、Adversity is a good discipline. 苦难是磨练人的好机会

60、No one can understand the hurt and pain of life, not a time to be able to recover, I can only share memory protection. 无人能明白一生的伤和痛,不是时间能复原的,我只能保护那份记忆。

61、I smile,but it doesn’t mean everything is OK. 我微笑,并不代表一切都好。

62、逞强的假面,孤独的想念。 [Overexert masque manauez solitaire. ]

63、You why say sorry, in this leaves in autumn.(你又何必说抱歉,在这个落叶的秋天

64、Unfortunately, there are but the two love each other. 可惜两人相爱,总会有无奈。

65、i want to have cperson afraid of losing me

66、What time did you let me into your heart. 【vs】 你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

67、I walked, in a smile, please look through me. 我走,在有笑容的时候,请把我表情看透。

68、I want a not my hand hug (我想要一个不用伸手就有的拥抱)

69、Then I had a good time, but I just occasionally regretted not being accompanied by you. 后来我过的很好,只是偶尔遗憾没你陪伴。

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