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英文个性签名伤感 My

发布时间:2023-08-06 18:01:33源自:http://www.zksst.com作者:QQ个性签名网阅读(229)

1、No matter you casually hurt by I can smile to forgive. 没关系你随便伤凭我能够笑着原谅。

2、Wrinkles merely indicate where smiles have been. 皱纹是曾经微笑的痕迹。

3、Sorry,I have been used to the things which I'm not supposed to. 对不起,我已经习惯了不该习惯的习惯。

4、If one day I can forget you, how I wish is now. 如果有一天我可以遗忘你,我多么希望是现在。

5、Dear,When thinking of you some happiness. Well some sad. 亲爱的,想你的时候有些幸福,幸福的有些难过。

6、A heart that loves is always young. 有爱的心永远年轻。

7、I love you none of your business. 我喜欢你,关你什么事。

8、Your mother call you go home to drink

9、Every single person has at least one secret that would break his/her heart. 谁都会有那么一两个令自己心碎的秘密

10、Memories, beautiful very hurt, memories, memories of the past but can not go back. 回忆,很美、却很伤;回忆、只是回不到过去的记忆。

11、For you, I came into this world. 为了你,我来到了这个世界上。

12、Some love, can only stop at the lips and teeth, mask in the years to come. 有些爱,只能止于唇齿,掩于岁月。

13、It is while you are patiently toiling at the little tasks of life that the meaning and shape of great whole of life dawn on you. 在你耐心地操劳于生活的琐事的过程中,你才能领悟整个生活的伟大意义和形象。

14、Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover. 承诺常常很像蝴蝶,美丽的飞盘旋然后不见。

15、The more deeply love, the more hurt. 越是深爱,越被伤害。

16、Disappointment is injured, t

17、I’m just an ordinary women. i just ask stability for my sentiment. 我只是个平凡的女人,感情也只贪个安稳。

18、不哭不闹,不争不抢,不代表我软弱Not crying, not fighting, notrepresenting my weaknes

19、无论发生什么,都要面朝阳光,心怀希望。Whatever happens we should turn towards the sun and keep hope in o

20、Love should be like wine. The longer you keep it, the stronger it will taste . 真正的爱情

21、我不懂你在不在乎我。我只懂我很在乎你。I don't understand you don't care about me. I only know that I care about you


22、you are my life to me —— 对于我来说你就是我的全部。

23、One day someone will walk into your life, then you will realize that love was always worth waiting for. 当某天某个人走进你生命时,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的。

24、All in all, just past. Ever had, only memories. 一切的一切,只是过去。曾经的曾经,只是回忆。

25、The relationship has changed, even the tone has changed. 关系变了,就连说话的口气也变了。

26、The moon does not hold you, time destroys you, but I love you. 月亮不抱你,时光摧毁你,可我爱你

27、A silent hug means a thousand words to the unhappy heart. 对一颗不快乐的心来说,一个拥抱就是千言万语。


28、Love you is not my intention. I try to be alone, but I can't stop missing you. 爱你,不是我有意的。我试着孤独,却止不住思念。

29、Happiness isn't on the road to anything. Happiness is the road. 幸福不在去任何地方的路上,幸福就是路。

30、Because that desperate love,what I lost you never know. 因为那奋不顾身的爱,我失去了什么你不知道。

31、Nostalgia is a file that removes the rough edges from the good old days. 怀旧之情能使美好的旧时光更美好。

32、不要以为世界抛弃了你,世界压根就没搭理过你!Don't think the world has abandoned you. The world has ignor

33、Life because of the pursuit of exciting, because of strong and beautiful life. 人生因追求而精彩,生命因坚强而美丽。

34、Your world is so crowded that it makes sense without me. 你的世界太拥挤,没有我,也合情合理。

35、I want to have you around, not for a while, but a lifetime. 我想要身边有你,不是一阵子,而是一辈子。

36、The most important thing in life is not how long you will live,but whom you are living with. 人生不问长短,但求白首同心之人。

37、The old man has failed you, why should you fail the time.旧人已经辜负了你,你又何必在辜负时光?

38、Never mind I love far apart you. 天各一方没关系 我远远的爱你就行了

39、Pay close attention to your hand that I rely on the most aggressive. 抓紧你的手 那是我最放肆的依赖。

40、When you have nothing to lose,it’s time to gain. 当你再也没有什么可以失去的时候,就是你开始得到的时候。

41、Indulges the missing pain troubled, inventorying has dripped lonely the rough sound.放纵思念痛苦的纷扰,盘点寂寞淌过坎坷的声音。

42、Forgive me for not warm myself but still want to be your sun. 原谅我温暖不了自己却还想做你的太阳。

43、Success and do not want to patronize only those who say do not do the house, we need not just a dream, and dream andefforts. 成功不会光顾只想不做者和只说不做者的家门,我们需要的不只是梦想,还有为梦想而付出的努力。

44、Your heart is too crowded but is no more room for me. 你的心太拥挤只怕是不能再多容下我这个人。

45、"I want to keep the memory.Don't lose." “ 我想留住记忆。不失去。"


47、Some stories, too late to start, have been written in the end. 有些故事,来不及开始,就被写出了结局。

48、It’s been said and done. 一切都已尘埃落定。

49、How many dream had, and never came into my heart. (多少梦幻的曾经,也不曾走进莪的心)

50、first i need your hand ,then forever can begin ——我需要牵着你的手,才能告诉你什么是永远

51、My heart already have; no matter how good I do not want to

52、Blank because languages, can not express the feelings. 【vs】 空白是因为,文字也表达不了这份感情。


54、I've been stressing to fall back in love with you

55、Rely on I don't need your false! 我不需要你那虚伪的依靠

56、Happy about no one can only hold the force. 快乐没有谁可以左右,只有自己用力握紧。

57、The stride feet, look at where you want to get to the final, compared with imagination, how far. 总该迈开双脚,看最终你想到达的地方,和想象中比起来,究竟有多远。

58、Relationships or friendships are worth fighting for, but not if you're the only one fighting 感情或者友情都是值得为之努力的,但如果努力的只有你一个人,就另当别论了。

59、I can't give you anything but my heart, but you don't want it. 除了真心我什么都给不了你,可是你偏偏不要。

60、Toward the dusty memories, in that among the always, do not want to forget hear whispers. 走向尘封的回忆中,在那之中总是,听得到不愿忘记的细语。

61、I miss you. No, not you. I mean 'the old' you. 我想念你。不,不是你。我指的是“曾经的你”。

62、Well you noly need the light when its burning low . 只有在朦胧暗淡时才念及灯火光亮。

63、Quiet your fears.停止你的害怕

64、Take it as a memory, we who do not owe. 就把它当做回忆,我们谁也不欠谁。

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